Category: Missing parts

Negative CO2 emissions

In Short If GHG emissions can’t be curbed fast enough, technologies to mitigate past GHG emissions are being developed. A Few Details Technologies for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere have received funding. They...

Technological breakthroughs needed

In Short Some hope that technology ventures will save the day with breakthroughs in one critical area: energy storage. A Few Details Batteries are required for vehicles disconnected from the electrical grid, as much...

Carbon regulations approved by Congress

In Short A successful carbon strategy must get the support of the majority, without crushing the minority. A Few Details With their vote, people can promote green legislation favoring the unfettered scaling up of...

New technologies for battery and energy storage

In Short The main technology blocker is the current expensive batteries that raise the cost of electricity storage for cars, buildings or for dealing with intermittent wind and solar energies. Scientists and investors are...

Alternative power plants and fuels

In Short Experimental technologies could provide clean energy, aside from intermittent solar and wind energy and their inherent energy storage. A Few Details Nuclear Generation IV or nuclear Fusion could soon fuel power plants...

An inequality solution

In Short A solution must reduce inequality, not just maintaining the status quo. A Few Details Inequality is fueling the polarization of politics, with the far left preaching for socialism, and the far right...

Buyers must choose green products

In Short Buyers must search for green products to replace products fabricated with coal electricity or running on gasoline. A Few Details Prices of green products are going down, but they are still expensive....

Investors must fund green ventures

In Short Investors should disinvest from passive corporations to pressure their boards of directors, and they should fund greener corporations and green-tech instead. A Few Details Investors must fund clean energy power plants and...

Regulations to involve everyone

In Short People must actively buy green products, not just keep on buying gasoline. A Few Details Individuals must get involved, not just blame rich people, corporations or the government. People can’t just demonstrate...