Vincent Lannoye

Vincent Lannoye

Rising global greenhouse gas emissions

In Short Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are increasing, despite a decline in emissions within the developed industrialized nations, including the United States, the European Union, and Japan. A Few Details The global increase in GHG emissions is largely driven…

The greenhouse effect

In Short The greenhouse effect occurs when “greenhouse gases” (GHGs) trap solar radiation within the Earth’s atmosphere, particularly infrared radiation, which is re-emitted from the Earth’s surface after it has been warmed by the Sun. Luckily, this infrared radiation or…

The rate of global warming is too high

In Short In the decade preceding 2023, the Earth’s average surface temperature has risen by 1.2°C[1] since the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, with annual variations influenced by the ocean’s absorption of heat[2]. The coming years…

Wealthy nations must support developing countries

In Short Wealthy nations have a responsibility to assist developing countries in their transition to clean energy, given their historical contributions to global emissions. A Few Details Developing countries are calling for compensation from Western nations, which bear significant responsibility…

Rich countries fail to lead the green transition

In Short Given their historical responsibility for past emissions and given their current high levels of emissions, wealthy nations must lead the way in reducing per capita emissions and achieving a full transition to a carbon-neutral economy. A Few Details Western countries are gradually advancing in the development of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency. However, a significant portion of their recent emission reductions is still largely due to the transition from coal-fired power plants to natural gas, as alternative clean energy sources remain costly, as discussed in the following section. Despite these reduction efforts, global fossil fuel consumption continues to rise, driven by economic growth in developing countries like China and India, which rely heavily on fossil fuels. As a result, emission reductions in the West are being offset by increases elsewhere. More Info Full explanation: How the Economic System Impedes the Fight Against Global Warming. Original idea: Is It Possible to Completely Eliminate Taxes on the Green Economy?