Limited integration of EVs with solar panels
Households and businesses should not only invest in electric vehicles (EVs) but also ensure that they recharge their vehicles using clean energy.
To fully realize the potential of EVs, they must be recharged using green electricity or clean fuels. Whether through battery swapping, fast charging, or fuel cell replacement, this will necessitate new sources of electricity generation, such as:
-Solar power plants paired with storage systems to recharge vehicles at night.
-Wind turbine plants producing hydrogen via electrolysis, which can then be compressed into a liquid state.
-Spare batteries recharged by solar or wind power during the day, available for swapping in place of discharged batteries.
-Nuclear power plants providing electricity for vehicle recharging during nighttime hours.
To reduce the strain on the electrical grid, households and businesses can install solar panels on their rooftops:
-Home batteries can store solar energy during the day to recharge vehicles at night.
-Spare car batteries can be recharged by local renewable energy shops during the day, ready to replace depleted batteries.
-Solar and wind installations at commercial facilities can supply power to charging stations in parking lots for commuter vehicles.